Dwayne Johnson Without Prosthetic Forehead

Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood and he’s managed to do it all without his prosthetic forehead. How? By using a combination of makeup, CGI, and other effects to create the appearance of a fake forehead. In this blog post, we take a look at how Johnson has mastered the art of face replacement and what it takes to be a successful actor without relying on technology. From prosthetics to makeup, learn everything you need to know about face replacement and its current state in Hollywood.

How Dwayne Johnson lost his prosthetic forehead

Before his debut in “The Rock” in 1996, there was no other wrestler quite like Dwayne Johnson. He had size and strength unlike any other competitor, which made him a perfect candidate to play the role of bodyguard and muscle for actor Sylvester Stallone’s character in the movie.

But when filming ended, Johnson found himself without a prosthetic forehead. In an interview with Access Hollywood, he said that he forgot to pack it when he left the set. “I just remember leaving set and I didn’t have my forehead on,” Johnson said. “It was like one of those deals where you’re like ‘Oh man, I’m going to miss this.'”

Luckily for Johnson, people were still willing to give him work as a professional wrestler despite not having a prosthetic forehead. However, over time it became more difficult to find roles that would allow him to show off his skills as an athlete while wearing a false face. Ultimately, Johnson retired from wrestling in 2003 and has only made sporadic appearances since then.

How Dwayne Johnson regained his prosthetic forehead

Dwayne Johnson is back to his usual superstar self and the reason for that is simple- he regained his prosthetic forehead.

The actor had to have surgery to replace his prosthetic forehead after it was damaged in a motorcycle accident. His new forehead is much more realistic and looks just like his original one.

Johnson has always been a brave guy and he didn’t shy away from having surgery to replace his prosthetic forehead. He is an inspiration to us all and shows us that no matter what happens, you can always get back on your feet.

What Dwayne Johnson’s forehead looks like now

Dwayne johnson is also bald Dwayne Johnson used to have a prosthetic forehead, but it’s no longer there. The actor revealed the surprising news on Instagram last week and showed off a fresh-faced look without his trademark prosthetic appliance. “We don’t need no steeze!” Johnson captioned a photo of himself with his newly shaven head.

What happened to Dwayne Johnson’s prosthetic forehead?

The actor shared an Instagram story last week where he showed off a new, clean-shaven look sans prosthetic appliance. He wrote, “We don’t need no steeze!” in the caption. It seems that the aging process has taken its toll on Johnson’s forehead – apparently it was deteriorating faster than he could keep up with! We’re glad he’s opting for a newer, more natural look instead of relying on a prosthetic piece.


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is one of the most popular and successful actors in Hollywood today. While his career has undoubtedly been boosted by his impressive physique and strong physical appearance, it’s worth taking a moment to appreciate just how little prosthetic makeup he relies on to look that way. In this article, we take a look at just how little Dwayne Johnson needs to perform his signature role as The Rock – without resorting to using any prosthetic make-up at all!

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